About Us

Following a brief period in which I photographed the mills around Oldham and surrounding areas in the late 1980's, I revisited the images in the mid-2000.s, then started a journey to catalogue in images the textile mills of the UK. This has taken me (and my wife) all over the United Kingdom, and has introduced us to areas that we would never normally visit.
The textile mills illustrated in the website represent an important part of the industrial revolution, and show significant developments in industrial architecture, and in many cases are designs that show a unique architectural style. Many of these buildings have now been put to other uses, which is a testament to their design and build quality.
Since starting this quest, many of the mills that have been photographed have now been demolished to make way for modern developments.
The following website has been put together to show just some of the images that have been taken. If you find anything in the site that is incorrect or inaccurate, I would appreciate that you contact me so that I can correct it. If you have any images that you are willing to contribute, please let me know as I will be pleased to add them to the collection.